The Titan Pledge Achieve Success Control Dedication Comfortable Responsibility Hard Work Progress Live Your Life
We Believe You are a Product of Your Decisions and Not Your Circumstances
We're bringing The Titan Pledge to life.
And we're walking the walk.
Well, not literally. Each statement of The Titan Pledge has a story, and each story comes from our personal experience working with entrepreneurs and hardworking people across the country. Through these 10 statements, we explore The Titan Pledge and the importance of four pillars— work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude.

I believe I can achieve anything to which I am committed.

I believe all people are created equal. Success has no boundaries.

I understand that I’m in control of my life and I am a product of my choices, not my circumstances.

I understand that dreams don’t work unless I do. Hard work is essential to my success.

I believe success follows when I become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

I understand my education is my responsibility and essential to improving my station in life.

I believe the harder I work, the luckier I get.

I believe that no matter how slow I progress, I’m still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.

I believe the quickest way to the finish line is to start now.

I believe if I want to live a life I've never lived, I need to do things I've never done.